Growing Food Sources for Organic Baby Food Recipes

Growing Food Sources for Organic Baby Food Recipes

We all know that organic foods are healthier and safer from chemical contamination than commercial grown foods. Although no study has yet concluded the effect of conventional farming to nutrients, both organically and conventionally grown foods contain the same nutrient levels. Organically raised foods eliminate the risks brought about by the chemicals used in its farming and raising. Because of this advantage, nutritionists have come up with organic baby food recipes to cater to the youngsters, and now baby food dieters.

The only difference of organic baby food recipes to that of the regular baby food recipes is the way the ingredients were raised or grown. Below are some of the main differences between the two;

Organically raised crops, vegetables and fruits use natural fertilizers like manure and compost.


Conventional producers use chemical or synthetic fertilizers.


No chemical based insecticides are used in organic farming.


In organic farming, weeds are controlled by hand weeding, mulching or tilling. In conventional farming, herbicides are used in soils to control weed growth.


Organic livestock do not use antibiotics, hormones or pesticides to maintain animal health.


Livestock in organic farming are fed with organic feeds. Commercially grown livestock are injected with growth hormones to enhance growth.

Organic foods can be more expensive than their conventional counterparts. This is due to the added labor of growing it. Without the conventional use of chemical fertilizers, growth boosters and pesticides, farmers have to work harder on keeping the crops and livestock healthy. Conventional growers who rely on GMOs and chemical supplements can go into mass production, yielding more and spending less.

Unless properly tagged, the big, fat produce you’ll see in the grocers or supermarkets are most probably being conventionally grown. Organic foods are usually sold in a farmer’s market, where fresh produce are sold by the growers. Most local towns also host weekly farmers’ fairs where they sell their produce.

Another way to find cheap organic produce is by buying those in season. Fruits and vegetables are most inexpensive and fresh when in season.

When shopping for foods, do not get confused with the labels. Look for your government’s seal to certify organic foods. Here are also some terminologies that you might confuse with being organic.

100% Organic – If this label appears with a government seal, then the food is most probably organic.


Organic – Foods containing at least 95% organically grown ingredients are officially tagged “organic”.


Made with Organic Ingredients – These foods have less than 95% but not lower than 70% organic content.


Contains Organic Ingredients – These foods have less than 70% organic content.


Grass Fed – Cattle tagged “grass fed” are considered healthier and leaner.


Natural – This translates to minimally processed foods. No artificial colors, additives or preservatives have been added.

Resource BIO – Sophia Fallin lives in Princeton, FL and writes on a variety of topics. For more information on the Baby Food Diet visit The Baby Food Diet.

For more recipes read Using Easy Recipes for Baby Food to Lose Weight

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